WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President Donald Trump’s visit to New York (all times local):

11:35 a.m.

A White House spokesman says President Donald Trump’s immigration discussion in New York will focus on “loopholes” that he says help the violent MS-13 gang “infiltrate our communities.”

Spokesman Hogan Gidley on Wednesday pointed to policies such as catch-and-release, which allows immigrants in the U.S. illegally to be released from custody while they await immigration hearings. He cited lax asylum standards, the proliferation of unaccompanied children coming into the U.S. illegally and constraints on keeping immigrants in custody.

Gidley claims the policies “allow hundreds of thousands of illegal and unauthorized aliens” to enter and be released in the U.S.

Trump is being joined Wednesday on Long Island by officials including Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


7:55 a.m.

President Donald Trump will speak on immigration and gang violence in a speech on Long Island in New York.

The president is expected to discuss efforts to eradicate MS-13, the violent Salvadoran-based street gang.Last week, Trump used the word “animals” to describe some people who enter the country illegally, in response to a comment about MS-13. The president says he will continue to use the term in referring to the gang.The White House also released a fact sheet Monday morning, titled, “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE VIOLENT ANIMALS OF MS-13.”Trump traveled to Suffolk County Community College last July to discuss the gang before law enforcement officials.Trump will also attend a fundraiser in New York City.

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