Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairs a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee hearing on Steve King, a prominent GOP insider from Wisconsin, nominated to be ambassador to the Czech Republic, on Capitol Hill Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2017. The Senate has delayed the start of the traditional summer recess until the third week of August to catch up on uncompleted work. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Ron Johnson said Thursday that he believes President Trump sees most people working in the justice system as “patriots.”

“The vast majority of the people working in those agencies are patriots. They’re trying to keep our nation safe. They’re risking their lives to do so. I truly believe that’s what the president believes as well. But again, there are some serious questions,” Mr. Johnson, Wisconsin Republican, said on CNN.

The senator said that in the fall of 2016, he and other members of Congress were briefed by intelligence officials on Russian interference in the election. He said the officials assured members they have the situation under control and wanted lawmakers to reassure the public that it was being handled.

“There’s a fair amount of hypocrisy that’s occurred during this timeline,” Mr. Johnson said.

He added that Congress has had a difficult time getting information on this situation and said that he sees the special counsel as possibly locking up that information....

“It has been like pulling teeth, under the Obama administration and even currently, to get the information to Congress. We are the body that investigates and reveals this to the public. That public exposure is the only way we’re going to restore credibility,” Mr. Johnson said.

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