Pollster Frank Luntz told Fox News' Laura Ingraham on May 24, 2018, that he is seeing the best tracking numbers in roughly one year for the Republican Party. (Image: Fox News screenshot)

Pollster Frank Luntz[1] says the Republican Party’s tracking numbers for midterm elections are looking good, thanks to independent voters who recoil at the thought of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi[2] becoming speaker.

The creator of “Instant Response” polling told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Thursday evening that a bit of political finesse by the GOP over the next few months is poised to pay off in November. If Republicans can vote on a speaker prior to midterm elections, Mr. Luntz[3] said, then swing voters are likely to side with them in the voting booth.

“Well, I’ve been tracking this on a weekly basis going back now for a year and a half and these are the best numbers that the GOP has had in the last year,” he said, Mediaite reported[4]. “One of the reasons is that women, working women, women with children, have begun to leave the Democratic Party. It’s not that they are pro-Republican, but what they see among the Democrats is the same kind of negativity that turned them off in previous elections.”

Mr. Luntz[5] told Ms. Ingraham a few decisions could narrow an intensity gap that currently exists between Republicans and Democrats.

“Quite frankly, if Republicans could find some way to engineer a vote over who would be speaker of the House in January 2019, if they could engineer that vote, I would be prepared to say right now that the Republicans would keep the majority because there are so many people out there — swing voters who do not want Pelosi[6] as speaker, that one action would make a difference,” he said....

Mr. Luntz[7] added that the California Democrat is “the least popular credible figure” among her peers.

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