A recent editorial in the Harvard Crimson, the student publication of Harvard University, calls for more acceptance of conservative students. (Associated Press)

Prepare for an ivy-covered cultural moment. A new editorial in the Harvard Crimson — the student publication of Harvard University — now calls for the campus to be more accepting of conservative students following an extensive 18-month “diversity and inclusion” study by the university’s administration which found that only a “startling” 1.5 percent of the faculty identified as conservative while 83.2 percent are liberal.

“These statistics do not reflect America: 35 percent of Americans identify as conservative, 23 times the fraction of the faculty survey’s respondents, This stark divide has harmful effects on the University’s ability to train our nation’s leaders, and it risks alienating current and potential conservative students. It has also likely contributed to the declining trust of Americans in higher education, which has deleterious effects. Much more work is needed to make this important element of diversity a priority. We believe the University must emphasize hiring professors with diverse beliefs and backgrounds who can challenge prevailing campus ideas through tough ideological conversations,” the editorial reads.

The students are interested in “expanding the diversity conversation” here.

“Increasing ideological diversity — and making students who may disagree with mainstream campus ideas more welcome — should be worked toward beyond merely hiring intellectually diverse faculty, however. Initiatives to promote campus conversations in which beliefs are questioned should be encouraged, as should giving students the resources they need to feel comfortable but not unchallenged in their identities. By doing so, we expand the diversity conversation to make as many students feel as welcome as we can,” the editorial recommends.


“We pause in solemn gratitude to pay tribute to the brave patriots who laid down their lives defending peace and freedom while in military service to our great Nation. We set aside this day to honor their sacrifice and to remind all Americans of the tremendous price of our precious liberty,” President Trump says in his official proclamation for Memorial Day.

“On this day, let us also unite in prayer for lasting peace in our troubled world so that future generations will enjoy the blessings of liberty and independence.”

The president also has an ambitious plan to protect the memories of American heroes.

“We must safeguard the legacies of our service members so that our children and our grandchildren will understand the sacrifices of our Armed Forces. As a part of this effort, the Department of Veterans Affairs is working to keep the memories of our fallen heroes from ever fading away,” Mr. Trump says....

Mr. Trump also asks the nation to pray for permanent peace in each locality at 11 a.m. Monday, and to observe the National Moment of Remembrance for Memorial Day[1] beginning at 3 p.m. local time.IN CASE YOU NEED A MOVIEMemorial Day[2] is a solemn occasion, but it’s not without some appropriate viewing material.“Patriots may want to spend a few hours remembering some

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