Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who served about seven years in federal prison for leaking government documents to Wikileaks, speaks at the C2 business conference Thursday, May 24, 2018, in Montreal. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP) ** FILE **

Chelsea Manning[1] hinted at suicide Sunday night on Twitter, the convicted spy and Democratic Senate candidate in Maryland saying “I’m not really cut out for this world.”

“I’m sorry - I tried - I’m sorry I let you all down,” Manning[2], now a 30-year-old transgender activist, wrote in one of two now-deleted tweets. “I’m not really cut out for this world - I tried adapting to this world out here but I failed you - I couldn’t do this anymore … I tried and I’m sorry about my failure.”

The second of the deleted tweets, which were screen captured by several news organizations, showed painted toenails standing on a high window ledge over the street and the words “I’m sorry.”

After those posts, which sparked much concern and some trolling/gloating among Manning[3]’s 323,000 followers, were deleted, an unsigned message was posted to the feed written in the third person.

“Chelsea is safe,” the message reads[4]. “She is on the phone with friends, thanks everyone for your concern and please give her some space.”

Manning[5], who was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, reportedly made two suicide attempts while detained as Pvt. Bradley Manning. President Barack Obama commuted the sentence to time served in the waning days of his presidency.

Manning[6] is now challenging Sen. Ben Cardin, Maryland Democrat, in next month’s primary.

** chelsea is safe. she is on the phone with friends, thanks everyone for your concern and please give her some space...

— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea)
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