Mitt Romney said Tuesday that President Trump is not the role model he would want for his grandchildren.
“I don’t think I would point to the president as a role model for my grandkids on the basis of his personal style. He has departed in some cases from the truth, and has attacked in a way that I think is not entirely appropriate,” Mr. Romney said to NBC News.
The former Republican presidential candidate is running for the Republican Senate nomination in Utah. The seat will be vacated by longtime Sen. Orrin Hatch.
Mr. Romney said there are policy points he and Mr. Trump agree on such as tax policy and regulatory policy, but said he would have liked to see more effort on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He said some of the policies are “a good deal better” than he expected.
“Where the president is right in my view on policy for Utah and for the country I’ll be with him,” he said....
Mr. Romney said it’s important for politicians to show exactly where they stand, however, and said that he will call the president out on any divisive or racist language.