WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Ethics Committee says it’s reviewing an independent watchdog’s referral of Republican Rep. David Schweikert[1] of Arizona and his chief of staff.

The committee’s announcement Thursday indicates the independent Office of Congressional Ethics determined there was substantial reason to believe ethics violations occurred.

Neither the House Ethics Committee nor the OCE will discuss the nature of the investigation, but it follows reports in the Washington Examiner of generous spending by Schweikert[2]’s chief of staff, Oliver Schwab, while traveling and a complaint Schwab exceeded how much money he can earn from a second job.

The complaint, filed with the OCE by a Democratic activist living in Schweikert[3]’s district, states Schweikert[4]’s campaign committees also accepted illegal in-kind campaign contributions from Schwab.

Schweikert[5]’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

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