Dinesh D'Souza leaves federal court in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014, after being sentenced to spend eight months in community confinement and undergo therapeutic counseling for arranging straw donors for a Senate candidate. D'Souza was spared from prison even though U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said the defendant continues to deflect responsibility and minimize his crime. (AP Photo/Larry Neumeister) ** FILE **

New York[1]’s effort to put Dinesh D’Souza on trial twice for the same crime following his presidential pardon ought to convince any doubters that his prosecution was a “political hit,” he said Sunday.

New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood called Thursday on legislators to overhaul state law against double jeopardy in order to retry the conservative author and filmmaker after President Trump[2] pardoned him for 2014 campaign-finance violations.

“These people will stop at nothing,” Mr. D’Souza told “Fox & Friends.” “It confirms that this is a political hit, and if they don’t get their way, they want to be able to take a second strike.”

“SECOND STRIKE”: @DineshDSouza hits back at NY AG who wants to prosecute people like him twice pic.twitter.com/1XcCYo4xTC[3][4]...

— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends)
June 3, 2018[5] In a statement, Ms. Underwood urged lawmakers to “close New York[6]’s double jeopardy loophole and ensure that anyone who evades federal justice by virtue of a politically expedient pardon can be held accountable if they violate New York[7] law.” “We can’t afford to wait to see who will be next,” Ms. Underwood said. “Lawmakers must act now to close New York[8]’s double jeopardy loophole and ensure that anyone who evades federal justice by virtue of a politically expedient pardon can be held accountable if they violate New York[9] law.” Mr. D’Souza said her eagerness to take another crack at him proves his point. “Far from shuddering at this latest development, I’m actually chuckling about it because I think it’s very eye-opening,” said Mr. D’Souza. “I have maintained from the beginning that this prosecution in my case was political, that it was motivated by the Obama administration’s desire to somehow get me.” Preet Bharara, former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York[10], said Sunday that Mr. D’Souza was “prosecuted fairly” after he accused him of trying to “destroy a fellow Indian-American to advance his career.”“I don’t have any other response, other than to say he was prosecuted fairly,” said Mr. Bharara on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “Nobody takes into account someone’s ethnicity or background or even political viewpoint.”Ms. Underwood’s predecessor Eric Schneiderman, who resigned May 7 over sexual-misconduct allegations, had pushed for a bill to exempt anyone from the double-jeopardy ban who receives a presidential pardon or other reprieve, the New York Daily News reported.“She’s basically saying, ‘Listen, the normal course of things didn’t work, this guy got away, and now we’ve got to get him some other way. So let’s come up with a strategy for prosecuting people twice,’” said Mr. D’Souza.The former president of The King’s College in New York City[11], Mr. D’Souza also took a jab at Ms. Underwood’s use of the

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