ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - Authorities have called off the search for the 1-year-old son of a woman who was found buried on the upstate New York farm where she worked.

Crews spent nearly two weeks looking for Owen Hidalgo-Calderon[1], who was last seen with his mother, Selena Hidalgo-Calderon on May 16. Her body was found in Sodus May 23 and her boyfriend was arrested for allegedly burying it.

The boyfriend, Everardo Donoteo-Reyes of Mexico, is charged with evidence tampering while the woman’s cause of death is under investigation.

Donoteo-Reyes also faces immigration charges. He’s due in federal court Monday on charges of possessing counterfeit documents and re-entering the country after being deported.

In suspending the search for Owen[2] on Sunday, Wayne County Sheriff Barry Virts said investigators ran out of leads at the farm.

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