HONOLULU (AP) - Prince Akishino[1], the second son of Japan’s Emperor Akihito[2], and his wife, Princess Kiko, are visiting Hawaii for the first time.

The Japanese royal couple is on Oahu this week as part of a yearlong celebration for the 150th anniversary of the first Japanese immigrants arriving in Hawaii.

Akishino[3] and Kiko will visit sites including the National Cemetery of the Pacific in Punchbowl and the Ehime Maru Memorial on Monday, which commemorates Japanese lives lost when a U.S. submarine collided with a Japanese ship, and attend dinner with Gov. David Ige.

Emperor Akihito[4] announced in December that he would step down in April 2019.

Akihito[5] will be succeeded by his eldest son, Crown Prince Naruhito. Akishino[6], 52, would then ascend to the role of crown prince.

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