In this Monday, Oct. 16, 2017 photo, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach answers questions about his run for the Republican nomination for governor during an interview at the Johnson County Republican Party's headquarters in Overland Park, Kan. Kobach is the leading Kansas for governor because of his solid base on the right and his national visibility. (AP Photo/John Hanna)

TOPEKA, Kan. — Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach[1] says the outrage over his appearance in a parade atop a Jeep with a giant replica gun mounted on the back is “the left trying to attack guns” and the Second Amendment.

The Republican gubernatorial candidate said in a tweet Sunday that he will “not back down in the face of a snowflake meltdown and outrage culture.”

The Kansas City suburb of Shawnee apologized in a statement to those who felt unsafe after Kobach[2]’s appearance at the Saturday morning parade.

The Kansas Division of Emergency Management says someone subsequently hacked its Twitter account and sent a message that read: “Hey Kris[3], I think you are a bad guy with a gun. Also, maybe worse, you a dumb guy with a gun.”

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