The Trump campaign unveiled Tuesday night an online platform to chronicle President Trump’s accomplishments and “counter the errors” of the mainstream media.

Campaign manager Brad Parscale said the web site,, will serve to tell a different story from the mainstream media “which distort, underreport, and lie about the president’s remarkable record since taking office.”

Described as a “active reference tool, the platform will provide a timeline of Mr. Trump[2]’s record, including bills signed into law, executive orders and policy proposals....

“This repository will serve as a robust record of the Trump administration and its growing portfolio of accomplishments,” Mr. Parscale said. “It’s a shame that such a platform is even necessary to overcome the errors and omissions reporting by the mainstream media – full of distortions, underreporting, and lies – but we are pleased to present such a record of achievement by President Trump[3] nonetheless.”

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