U.S. Representative Martha Roby pauses to talk with the media while campaigning at a fish fry in Andalusia, Ala., on Wednesday May 30, 2018. (Mickey Welsh /The Montgomery Advertiser via AP)

MONTGOMERY[1], Ala. — U.S. Rep. Martha Roby[2] has been forced into a runoff in Alabama’s Republican primary after challengers blasted her 2016 criticism of Donald Trump[3].

Roby[4] faces Bobby Bright[5] in a July runoff in Alabama’s conservative 2nd district – where Trump[6] loyalty has been a central issue.

Roby[7] became the first to withdraw her endorsement of Trump[8] in 2016. She made the decision after Trump[9] was caught on video bragging about grabbing women’s genitals. Roby[10] said the behavior made him an unacceptable candidate and suggesting he step away from the presidential ticket.

Roby[11] is a four-term incumbent. In campaigning for Tuesday’s primary, she emphasized her record and working relationship with the White House.

Bright[12] is a former Montgomery[13] mayor who represented the district for two years as a Democrat before losing in 2010 to Roby[14]. He ran an ad with footage of Roby[15]’s Trump[16] comment.

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