Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) speaks to reporters next to Eric Schmidt, behind, former executive chairman of Google, in Havana, Cuba, Monday, June 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Desmond Boylan)

President Trump mocked Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake Thursday morning, referencing his low poll numbers and saying: “He’s a Flake!”

How could Jeff Flake, who is setting record low polling numbers in Arizona and was therefore humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight (and who doesn’t have a clue), think about running for office, even a lower one, again? Let’s face it, he’s a Flake!...

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 7, 2018[1] Mr. Flake is set to speak on the Senate floor Thursday about the president’s trade policies. He posted excerpts to Twitter Wednesday afternoon, writing that our international relationships are threatened by, “an ill-considered tantrum, a childish taunt here, a bellicose insult there.” The senator argues that President Trump’s proposed tariffs hurt allies rather than trade rivals, and warned “If we abandon our role as a leader in the world today it may very well not be there tomorrow.” I plan to speak on the Senate floor tomorrow morning to discuss the administration’s protectionist policies and the importance of America’s leadership in the world. Here is some of what I intend to say:[2] — Jeff Flake (@JeffFlake) June 6, 2018[3] Mr. Flake and Mr. Trump butted heads before. In January 2018, Mr. Flake made headlines for publicly condemning the president in another Senate floor speech. The Washington Times Comment Policy The Washington Times welcomes your comments on, our third-party provider. Please read our Comment Policy[4] before commenting.References^ June 7, 2018 (^ (^ June 6, 2018 (^ Comment Policy (

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