SEATTLE (AP) - Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson say they’re concerned about reports that dozens of asylum-seeking mothers separated from their children after crossing the Southwest border are now being held at a federal prison in SeaTac.

The two Democrats on Thursday evening sent a letter to the Trump administration seeking more information, including where the children of the women are and when they can expect to see their children again.

The letter came after the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project reported earlier Thursday that as many as 120 asylum seekers had been transferred to the Federal Detention Center at SeaTac.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed Thursday that it was sending more than 1,600 detainees to federal prisons in Victorville, California; La Luna, Texas; Sheridan, Oregon; and SeaTac. The agency said it needs more space due to a “surge in illegal border crossings and implementation of the U.S. Department of Justice’s zero-tolerance policy” on illegal immigration.

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