COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Additional fittings are scheduled for Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation agents wearing expired bulletproof vests after political pushback against their boss, Republican Attorney General Mike DeWine[1].

DeWine[2] spokesman Dan Tierney says one fitting was held Thursday and more are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.

Tierney says the fittings were scheduled before The Associated Press reported about a union grievance concerning the vests.

The May 3 grievance lists 53 of 99 special agents, investigators and personnel transport workers whose Kevlar vests had passed the five-year expiration date set by the National Institute of Justice.

DeWine[3] said he was unaware of the situation until receiving the grievance. Several county sheriffs convened by Democrat Richard Cordray’s gubernatorial campaign against DeWine[4] called it a failure of basic equipment management.

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