FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) - The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeal of a former Fairbanks militia leader convicted of conspiring to kill federal officials.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports Schaeffer Cox[1]’s appeal was among the more than 150 petitions to the court rejected without explanation Monday.

Cox[2], an advocate for gun rights and the anti-government sovereign citizen ideology, was convicted of nine felonies by an Anchorage jury in 2012. The charges included conspiracy to murder federal officials, solicitation to murder federal officials and charges of owning and conspiring to own illegal weapons.

A federal appeals court overturned the murder solicitation conviction but upheld his other convictions last year.

Cox[3] is serving a 26-year prison term but is scheduled to be resentenced based on the federal appeals court ruling.


Information from: Fairbanks (Alaska) Daily News-Miner, http://www.newsminer.com

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