BOSTON (AP) - Prosecutors pursuing sexual assault charges against the estranged husband of former Senate[1] President Stan Rosenberg[2] are seeking records on potential victims who spoke to attorneys hired by the Massachusetts Senate.

A motion filed Wednesday by Democratic[3] Attorney General Maura Healey’s office in Suffolk Superior Court seeks information gathered by the Boston law firm[4]Hogan Lovells[5] for the Senate[6] ethics investigation into Rosenberg[7], including interviews with potential victims.

The Senate[8] ethics report led to the resignation of the long-term Democratic lawmaker last month. The report concluded Rosenberg[9] failed to protect the Senate[10] from his husband, Bryon Hefner.

Hefner has pleaded not guilty to charges of sexual assault, criminal lewdness and distributing nude photos without consent. The allegations involve four men.

The ethics report found no evidence Rosenberg[11] violated any Senate[12] rules.

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