SHERIDAN, Ore. (AP) - The Latest on a visit by Democratic members of Oregon’s congressional delegation to a federal prison where immigrants from Latin America are being held (all times local):

4:26 p.m.

Democratic members of Oregon’s congressional delegation visited a federal prison where immigrants from Latin America have been transferred and blasted the Trump administration for separating parents from children.

Sen. Ron Wyden said Saturday afternoon that “what we saw over the last hour demonstrates that the Trump ‘zero tolerance’ policy makes zero sense and shows zero understanding of American values”

Wyden, Sen. Jeff Merkley and Reps. Suzanne Bonamici and Earl Blumenauer toured the facility in Sheridan, Oregon,

Around 120 immigrants from Mexico and Central America are reportedly being held at the prison, located 20 miles northwest of Salem, the state capital. The administration is sending more than 1,600 immigrants - including some parents whose children were taken away from them by U.S. officials - to federal prisons because of lack of space in other jails.

Authorities say the immigrants entered the United States illegally.


7:22 a.m.

Democratic members of Oregon’s congressional delegation plan to visit a federal prison in Oregon where immigrants from Latin America have been transferred and an attorney seeking to represent the immigrants says they have been denied access to lawyers.Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden and Reps. Suzanne Bonamici and Earl Blumenauer say they’ll visit the facility in Sheridan, Oregon, Saturday afternoon.Around 120 immigrants from Mexico and Central America are reportedly being held at the prison, located 20 miles northwest of Salem, thestate capital. The administration is sending more than 1,600 immigrants - including some parents whose children were taken away from them by U.S. officials - to federal prisons because of lack of space in other jails.Authorities say the immigrants entered the United States illegally.

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