BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - An Alabama musician who said on social media that he’d like to shoot immigrants attempting to enter the United States says he’s losing work because of the post.

Birmingham guitarist Phillip McCain[1] said on Facebook that he doesn’t have any sympathy for immigrants trying to enter the country, even those seeking asylum. In the same post, he called liberalism a “mental disorder.”

The post went viral. McCain[2] tells he has since lost his job with a band, plus $3,000 in future performance fees and three solo shows.

McCain[3] says he was only expressing his opinion that he wants to protect the United States’ borders at any cost.

A Mexican restaurant was one of the venues that canceled a McCain[4] show. The manager says he’s an immigrant and has a diverse clientele, and he feared McCain[5]’s presence would hurt business.

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