Not only does the owner of the Red Hen restaurant have no regrets about kicking out Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she insisted Saturday she would do it all over again, saying people need to “uphold their morals.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders listens to a question during the daily press briefing at the White House, Monday, June 4, 2018, in Washington. Sanders discussed, Trump's pardon powers, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, and other topics. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Stephanie Wilkinson, owner of the 26-seat eatery in Lexington, Virginia, said she asked the White House press secretary to scoot after receiving a call from her chef at about 8 p.m. Friday alerting her to Ms. Sanders’ presence, then conferring with her staff.

“I would have done the same thing again,” Ms. Wilkinson told the Washington Post. “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”

Ms. Wilkinson cited the press secretary’s work for the “inhumane and unethical” Trump administration.

“I’m not a huge fan of confrontation,” Ms. Wilkinson said. “I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

After a flurry of news reports based on a waiter’s account on Facebook, Ms. Sanders confirmed Saturday that she agreed to leave after being confronted by the owner, adding that, “Her actions say far more about her than about me.”

Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS[1] and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so...

— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec)

June 23, 2018[2] The Red Hen, which is not affiliated with the Red Hen restaurant in Washington, D.C., was promptly “Yelp-bombed” as thousands of commentators went online to post politically motivated one- and five-star reviews based on the Sanders incident. The Red Hen’s Facebook page and Twitter account were also deluged with comments ranging from “Thank you for standing up to the fascists” to “Nobody wants to eat at a place that bases service on politics.”This reads like the owner of Red Hen was told an armed and dangerous fugitive had just shown up in her restaurant[3] — Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) June 24, 2018[4]Well since the popularity of the Red Hen incident it looks like Sarah Sanders is going to have to either learn how to prepare a meal or learn how to not be a horrible lying person. *Orders apron and cookbook. — Tommy Campbell (@MrTommyCampbell) June 24, 2018[5]Liberals two weeks ago: A Christian must be forced to bake a cake against his beliefs and will! Liberals today: A restaurant owner is totally allowed to kick out Sarah Sanders because the owner can’t be forced to serve someone he disagrees with or go

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