U.S. Border Patrol agent Rene Cisneros gives migrant Gerberht Caraac, from Guatemala, a pat-down after he was caught trying to illegally enter the United States, Monday, June 25, 2018, in Hidalgo, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

McALLEN, Texas (AP) - Customs and Border Protection has allowed news media organizations to tour a 77,000-square-foot facility in McAllen, Texas, that houses families and children who enter the country illegally.

Families and children rested under shiny thermal blankets in cells of chain-link fences adorned with high-hanging televisions. After a similar facility in Arizona closed, McAllen’s “Ursula” processing center became the agency’s only holding facility in the country with chain-link fences to detain immigrants.

There are separate pods for boys who came alone, girls who came alone and parents with their young children. Some older children are split from their parents to avoid having them mix with much younger children.

Within 72 hours, the adults and families are turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

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