BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - A former New York state lawmaker has pleaded guilty in federal court to trying to cover up making unwanted sexual advances to a female staffer.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Buffalo says 53-year-old Marc Panepinto[1] (pan-uh-PIHN’-toh), of Buffalo, pleaded guilty Thursday to government corruption charges.

Panepinto[2], who was elected in 2014, traveled with a female staffer to New York City in January 2016 for a fundraiser for the lawmaker. Prosecutors say afterward he made several unwanted sexual advances toward the woman inside her hotel room.

The staffer resigned once she returned to Buffalo.

Panepinto[3] was worried a state ethics investigation would hurt his re-election campaign in 2016. Prosecutors say he directed a staff member to offer the ex-staffer money and a job if she refused to cooperate with investigators.

Panepinto[4] didn’t seek re-election.

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