White House chief of staff John Kelly listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a lunch with governors in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Thursday, June 21, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

MORRISTOWN, New Jersey — President Trump said Friday he’s not sure how long Chief of Staff John F. Kelly[1] will remain in his job.

Asked if Mr. Kelly[2] is leaving soon, the president said, “That I don’t know.”

“We’ve achieved a lot together,” he told reporters aboard Air Force One. “I like John[3] a lot. I like him and I respect him. We have a very, very good relationship.”...

There have been increasing news reports that Mr. Kelly[4] could depart soon. The retired four-star Marine general took over the post last summer after leaving the helm of the Homeland Security Department.

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