JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - The Latest on allegations against former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens[1] (all times local):

6 p.m.

A lawmaker who led an investigation into former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens[2] is releasing new information highlighting the political benefit Greitens[3] received from a book he wrote.

Rep. Jay Barnes provided a memo Friday to The Associated Press outlining how Greitens[4] used nonprofit grant funds to promote his book “Resilience” to conservatives as he was preparing to run for governor in 2015.

Earlier in the day, Washington University in St. Louis told the AP that an internal review found “nothing improper about the administration or use of the grant funds.”

Barnes says his panel has additional documents and testimony that the university did not possess.

Greitens[5] resigned June 1 while facing potential impeachment over various misconduct allegations.


4:45 p.m.

A private Missouri university says it has found no evidence of impropriety in its handling of a grant that helped finance a book written by former Gov. Eric Greitens[6].Washington University in St. Louis initiated a review of the grant last month after a Missouri House panel investigating Greitens[7] released testimony from a former aide who was partially paid with grant funds.Assistant Vice Chancellor Julie Hail Flory told The Associated Press on Friday that an internal review “found no evidence that the grant was administered improperly.”The university administered the grant on behalf of the Pennsylvania-based John Templeton Foundation. It helped finance Greitens[8]‘ book “Resilience,” which was published in 2015 as he was preparing to run for governor.Greitens[9] resigned June 1 while facing potential impeachment.

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