MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mahlon Mitchell[1], who is registered as a lobbyist for firefighters, is calling for the removal of lobbyists from the Capitol.

Mitchell[2] made the comment last month when talking to Democrats at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Mitchell[3] told them, “We need to get lobbyists, lawyers and that out of the state Capitol.”

Mitchell[4] is president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin, the statewide union representing firefighters. In that role, he lobbies on behalf of the group at the Capitol.

Mitchell[5] said Friday that he doesn’t recall saying all lobbyists should be removed from the Capitol. He says his point is that the “common person” does not have a lobbyist.

Wisconsin Republican Party spokesman Alec Zimmerman calls it the “height of hypocrisy” for Mitchell[6] to “suddenly be concerned with lobbyists in the Capitol.”

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