Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen, right, attend a military welcome ceremony as part of a meeting in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, July 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak)

VIENNA (AP) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani[1] is in Vienna, where the country’s nuclear agreement with world powers was drawn up three years ago, to promote the deal’s survival after the United States withdrew.

Rouhani[2] was meeting Austrian leaders Wednesday following a visit to neutral Switzerland, which also hosted negotiations on the deal under which Iran agreed to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

He said after meeting his Austrian counterpart that “we will not leave the (agreement), on condition that we can benefit from it.”

Rouhani[3] did not mention Austrian officials’ announcement on Tuesday that they plan to revoke the legal immunity of an Iranian diplomat suspected of involvement in a plot to bomb an Iranian opposition rally in France. He took no questions.

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