CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. (AP) - The lawyer for former Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, who’s on trial along with his wife for receiving bribes and kickbacks to help a restaurant owner, says there were no back room dealings.

Lawyer Kevin Keating said in closing arguments Wednesday that Mangano handled millions of dollars in contracts and that restaurateur Harendra Singh only benefited from one contract to feed first responders after Superstorm Sandy.

Mangano’s wife is charged with accepting a $450,000 no-show job. Her lawyer said she did work but wasn’t at the office 40 hours-a-week.

The Manganos say they were longtime friends with Singh, and that any favors were because of their personal ties.

Also on trial is John Venditto, a former town supervisor. All three pleaded not guilty to extortion, bribery and other charges.

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