Texas Governor Greg Abbott speaks during a press conference in the wake of a school shooting at Santa Fe High School on Friday, May 18, 2018 in Santa Fe, Texas. (Stuart Villanueva/The Galveston County Daily News via AP)

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - The mass shooting at a Texas high school Friday led to promises from the state’s top Republicans to look for ways to improve school safety, but none of them suggested that substantial gun restrictions could be on the table.

Gov. Greg Abbott, a staunch advocate for gun rights, said at a news conference after authorities say a student killed 10 people and wounded 10 others at a high school in Santa Fe, near Houston, that he will start holding “round table” discussions on guns and school safety issues starting next week.

“We need to do more than just pray for the victims and their families,” Abbott said. “It’s time in Texas that we take action to step up and make sure that this tragedy is never repeated ever again.”

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, who has been a staunchly pro-gun throughout his political career, added his own sentiments, though he didn’t suggest that gun restrictions might help: “There’ve been too damn many of these. Texas has seen too many of these.”

Calls for tighter gun controls surged in other parts of the country after the February mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, where a former student killed 17 people, but they barely registered in gun-loving Texas, where more than 1 million residents are licensed to carry handguns.

Since the 2012 shooting of an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, Texas has expanded gun rights by making it cheaper and easier to get licensed and allowing handguns into college classrooms and dorms.

After a gunman in November killed more than two dozen worshippers at a church in the tiny town of Sutherland Springs, near San Antonio, Texas’ Republican attorney general, Ken Paxton, called for there to be more guns in churches. President Donald Trump has been looking at Texas as a possible model for his proposal to arm teachers in the wake of the Florida shooting.

Abbott said Friday that he wants more safety “resources” devoted to school safety, though he didn’t offer specifics. He said he wants to include state lawmakers, educators, students, parents and gun rights advocates in his round-table discussions, which will seek to find ways to “protect 2nd Amendment rights … but ensure our schools are safer places.” He said he hopes to specifically invite victims from Santa Fe and Sutherland Springs.

Among the ideas that could be considered are ways to keep guns from those who pose “an immediate danger to others” and how law enforcement might better spot trouble signs or mental health issues in students, Abbott said, though authorities have said there were no obvious warning signs about the 17-year-old student behind Friday’s attack....

“The answers are not always immediate,” Abbott said. “But the answers will come by us working together.”The response to Friday’s mass shooting was markedly different than after the church attack, which barely moved the needle on the gun control debate in a state

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