In this May 8, 2018, photo, Gov. Bruce Rauner, center, addresses reporters outside his state Capitol office in Springfield, Ill. (AP Photo by John O'Connor, File)

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - An Illinois House committee will take up Gov. Bruce Rauner’s plan to reinstate the death penalty in certain cases.

The House Judiciary-Criminal Committee meets Monday for testimony on Rauner’s proposals . Rauner added the death penalty in an amendatory veto of legislation that would extend the waiting period for delivery of assault weapons to 72 hours.

Rauner’s changes included imposing 72 hours’ wait for all guns, a ban on bump stocks that speed rifle firing, authorizing confiscation of weapons from dangerous individuals and more.

Rep. Jonathon Carroll sponsors the waiting-period legislation . The Northbrook Democrat says the committee hearing will “take the pulse of people.” But there will be no committee vote and Carroll says he can’t predict what the next step will be.


The bills are HB1468 and SB2580 .

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