Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama just signed a new contract to produce new programming for Netflix. (Associated Press)

Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have been an emphatic public presence since they departed the White House on the afternoon of Jan. 20, 2017. The website has been rebranded as “The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama,” offering a clear point of contact, a built-in video titled “We Love You Back” and a takeaway message that states “change — big change — takes many years.”

The nonprofit Obama Foundation is busy indeed supporting the Barack Obama Presidential Center, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and an international outreach which includes grass-roots training, community organization, fellowships, internships and multiple public programs for assorted demographics.

The Obama’s trajectory has now entered the creative realm. They have founded another organization called Higher Ground Productions — and with good reason.

On Monday, the couple signed a multiyear “storytelling” contract with online video giant Netflix to produce original programming for a built-in, loyal audience of 125 million subscribers in 190 countries.

The announcement immediately trended nationally on Twitter, with pro-Obama fans rejoicing and pro-Trump[1] or conservative factions suggesting the public cancel their subscriptions to Netflix.

“It’s must-flee TV,” wrote one critic, while another suggested, “It’s no longer Netflix” and a third declared that the alliance was “the deep state further infiltrating the entertainment industry.” The hashtag #BoycottNetflix also re-entered the fray. It was previously employed in March following the appointment of Susan Rice — former U.N. ambassador and national security adviser to Mr. Obama — to the Netflix board of directors.

Meanwhile, the creative power-couple are emphasizing the noble side of things, with not a mention of politics.

“One of the simple joys of our time in public service was getting to meet so many fascinating people from all walks of life, and to help them share their experiences with a wider audience. That’s why Michelle and I are so excited to partner with Netflix — we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples, and help them share their stories with the entire world,” Mr. Obama said in a statement.

Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos said the globally recognized couple “are uniquely positioned to discover and highlight stories of people who make a difference in their communities and strive to change the world for the better.”...

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