Blackwater founder Erik Prince arrives for a closed meeting with members of the House Intelligence Committee, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) ** FILE **

Rep. Jim Himes said Monday that even if private military contractor Erik Prince perjured himself during his congressional testimony, House Republicans likely wouldn’t do anything about it.

“The transcript is there for everyone to review. The participation of Erik Prince at this meeting at Trump Tower will presumably become more clear over time, but I will tell you that as long as the Republicans are in charge of the House — without any interest at all in pursuing this, in fact devoting their resources to ending this investigation — if there was perjury, it will not go punished,” Mr. Himes, Connecticut Democrat, said on CNN.

Mr. Prince — who served as an informal adviser to the Trump campaign — met with Donald Trump Jr. during a the 2016 campaign, according[1] to an Associated Press report. The two met to discuss a social media possibility, but Mr. Trump Jr. was not interested....

Both men have become of interest in the special counsel’s investigation into President Trump’s campaign.

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