U.S. Senator Robert Menendez greets supporters as he arrives to court in Newark, N.J., Monday, Oct. 16, 2017 in this file photo. The judge in Menendez's corruption trial declared a mistrial on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) **FILE**

Illegal immigrants could earn a legal visa if they are willing to rat out employers who are maltreating them under a bill introduced this week in the House and Senate.

The legislation would grant a U visa, which protects victims who report crimes, to migrants who report a labor violation.

Sen. Robert Menendez, the New Jersey Democrat who introduced the Senate version of the bill, said migrants are increasingly under pressure from businesses who have been “emboldened” by President Trump’s crackdown, figuring they can threaten their workers into accepting even worse conditions to avoid being reported.

“At a time when immigrants are facing an unprecedented assault from President Trump and his administration, we need to do all we can to protect immigrant workers from the threat of deportation and retaliation by their employers for reporting labor violations, including unsafe work environments and wage theft,” he said.

Rep. Judy Chu introduced the House version.

She said businesses see Mr. Trump’s stiff stance on illegal immigrant as an “an invitation to dehumanize the immigrants who work for them.”

A U visa allows temporary legal status in the U.S., but those who have earned one can go on to adjust to a green card, signaling legal permanent residency....

The Menendez-Chu legislation is unlikely to gain much traction in a GOP-controlled Congress.

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