President Donald Trump meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-In in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, May 22, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President Donald Trump’s planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (all times local):

4:10 p.m.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the U.S. is still working toward holding a historic summit with North Korea on June 12.

Pompeo was speaking Tuesday after President Donald Trump met with the leader of South Korea and told reporters his face-to-face with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in Singapore could be delayed.

Pompeo says the State Department and White House are continuing to make sure they are “fully prepared” for a summit with the same aims: achieving the denuclearization of North Korea and creating conditions so it no longer threatens the world.

He is declining to estimate the likelihood of the Trump-Kim meeting happening.

Pompeo has met with Kim twice in Pyongyang, the highest-ranking U.S. official to do so since 2000.


12:55 p.m....

President Donald Trump says he doesn’t like the change in attitude he’s picked up from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.Trump said Tuesday that he detected a shift after Kim and Chinese President Xi Jinping (shee jihn-peeng) met for a second time in China. Trump says he hopes China isn’t influencing Kim.Trump and Kim are scheduled to meet June 12 in Singapore. Trump now says the meeting could be delayed.The U.S. and China have been negotiating over China’s large trade imbalance with the U.S. Trump is also leaning on China to pressure North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.Kim had South Korean officials inform the White House that he wanted to meet with Trump, but he recently balked in the face of U.S. demands for North Korea’s complete denuclearization.___12:40 p.m.President Donald Trump says the planned Singapore summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “may not work out for June 12” and is suggesting it could be delayed.Trump is meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in (jah-YIHN’) on Tuesday at the White House for consultations ahead of the planned June 12 summit with Kim in Singapore.The meeting is happening as efforts to build peace between the two Koreas have hit a setback.North Korea pulled out of planned peace talks with South Korea last week, objecting to long-scheduled joint military exercises between the U.S. and the Republic of Korea forces.North Korea has also threatened to abandon the planned Trump-Kim meeting over the U.S. insistence on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.___12:20 p.m.South Korean President Moon Jae-in has opened talks with President Donald Trump on the U.S.-North Korea summit, saying the “fate and the future” of the Korean Peninsula hinges on it.Trump welcomed Moon to the White House on Tuesday as they seek to coordinate strategy for Trump’s upcoming summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.Trump says he and Moon will be discussing the planned summit in Singapore.Moon says they are “one step closer” to the dream of a denuclearized Korean Peninsula.Moon says he believes Kim is “serious” about the talks. He says North

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