
There's nothing wrong with a census question about citizenship
- Category: Opinion
The Trump administration is being sued over its plans to include a question about citizenship in the 2020 Census, which California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) says "is not just a bad idea - it is illegal." No, it's not.

A Top Secret Security Clearance Doesn't Guarantee Secrecy
- Category: Opinion
It's no secret... getting a top secret security clearance is hard. It requires a rather extensive (some would even say invasive) background investigation into every aspect of your life. And even then, you will face periodic re-investigation, often with the same level of intensity, just to continue to maintain that clearance. To us, the process of getting top secret security clearance looks like one bunch of humans poking around in the private lives of another bunch of humans, and checking off a bunch of boxes on a form. Your government at work.